Here are some of the papers that we published on coherence
2020: Choice of decomposition in multispectral coherence computation, published in First Break
2020: Adopting multispectral dip components for coherence and curvature attribute computations, published in The Leading Edge
2020: Improving the quality of coherence and curvature attributes by using multispectral dip components, published in AAPG Explorer
2019: Multispectral, multiazimuth, and multioffset coherence attribute applications, published in SEG Interpretation
2019: Integration of AVAz/VVAz and coherence/curvature seismic attributes, published in AAPG Explorer
2018: Coherence attribute applications on seismic data in various guises – Part1, published in SEG Interpretation
2018: Coherence attribute applications on seismic data in various guises – Part 2, published in SEG Interpretation
2018: Multiazimuth coherence attribute applications, published in AAPG Explorer
2018: Multispectral coherence attribute applications, published in AAPG Explorer
2017: Volumetric fault image enhancement – some applications, published in SEG Interpretation
2016: Volumetric fault enhancement applications, published in AAPG Explorer
2015: Sobel filtering edges into sharp focus, published in AAPG Explorer
2014: Seismic discontinuity attributes and Sobel filtering, published in CSEG RECORDER
2006: Searching for similarity in a slab of seismic data, published in SEG-The Leading Edge
2004: Using inter-well traces and Coherence Cube to understand reservoir communication, published in Oil and Gas Journal
2002: Coherence Cube and beyond, published in EAGE-First Break
2001: Integrating Coherence Cube imaging and seismic attributes, published in CSEG RECORDER
2001: Coherence technology evolves, published in Hart’s E & P
2001: Coherence Cube – a promising tool, published in SPG GEOHORIZONS
2001: Integrating Coherence Cube imaging and seismic attributes, published in SEG-The Leading Edge
2001: Adding the coherence dimension to 3D seismic data, published in CSEG RECORDER
2001: Azimuth-based coherence for detecting faults and fractures, published in World Oil
2001: Fault interpretation – The Coherence Cube and beyond, published in Oil and Gas Journal